Savour pure flavours from the Comox Valley.

Enjoy delicious taste & superior nutrition!

Savour our delicious, pasture-perfect beef, Certified Organically raised. Enjoy tasty, healthy rewards from our natural regenerative farming practices, where Natural Pastures Beef cattle are raised on our thick pasture swards in the rich Comox Valley. Free of chemical pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones and anything genetically modified, these cattle are 100% Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished.

Hello Natural Pastures Beef, 

Just had to send you my rave review. Purchased a Natural Pastures cross rib roast last week. Cooked for 1 hour at 325 deg. F. Superb! Beef as I remember from my childhood. Thank you so much. Tonight it is a T-bone steak and I know it is going to be delicious. One more pleasure on top of all your wonderful cheese. A continued bon chance!

S.R. in Esquimalt, B.C.

Completely Grass-Fed, raised and fattened on pasture and grass silage, the uniqueness of our mild marine climate, Heritage Angus herd and natural organic farming on grass pastures creates an unparalleled, superior taste and quality in Natural Pastures Beef. Our Heritage Farm’s pristine, pure pastures, streams, forests and coastal location, provide the delicious world champion terroir and flavour to Natural Pastures world champion Cheeses and Natural Pastures Certified Organic, Grass-Finished Beef.

Natural Pastures Beef provides the neutraceutical health benefits of 100% Grass-Fed animals. Natural pastured beef is higher in the following nutrients than grainfed cows: higher in Vitamin A and E, Carotenoids, Omega-3 fatty acids (EFAs), Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) and natural enzymes. Research by the University Wisconsin- Madison and by Utah State University has found that CLAs in your diet prevents cancer and heart disease and decreases body fat. Find out more…

Environmental Stewardship

One of our goals for the Farm is to create and support the diverse, sustainable landscape of forest, grassland and riparian areas to maintain the native integrity of the Upper Little River Basin. This restored stream habitat supports fry of coho, pink, chum, salmon and sea-run cutthroat trout—now one of the most productive fish habitats on the east coast of Vancouver Island.

We cooperate with the local salmon enhancement society, which has built and maintains a fish hatchery on the Farm at the head of the stream. Cows are kept out of the entire 15 kilometres of the stream and spawning and rearing habitat.

Watch Edgar’s FarmFolk CityFolk tour of the fish hatchery on Beaver Meadow Farms. Video 2; length 5:50 minutes.


Cooking Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Beef

Natural Pastures Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished beef is best when rare or medium rare. Lower heat is recommended which means cooking for a slightly longer time, turning steaks more often.

Here is the most important part! Meat continues to cook even after it has been removed from the heat source, therefore, you want to remove the beef from the heat before it has reached the desired doneness; it will finish cooking on its own from the residual heat.



Spring / Summer 2024 News!

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Edgar Smith, managing director and one of the third generation of his family to own and operate their Regenerative Farm says “This designation means that the Farm adheres strictly to the very highest standards of land and animal stewardship, a philosophy and way of life that our family has endorsed for many years.” The Smiths have planted many kinds of mixed grasses and natural wildflowers and herbs, like clovers, plantain and dandelions, for their Certified Organic herd, which produces superior Natural Pastures pasture-perfect Beef. They also harvest non-grazed pastures and vacuum pack the silage so even in winter, the cows eat pristine grasses, wildflowers and herbs. Read comments from our Beaver Meadow Farms guestbook.

Enjoy delicious terroir and superior nutrition of pasture-perfect, 100% Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Natural Pastures Beef.


our pasture-perfect flavour

“Your farming practices are simply outstanding and we are extremely happy to have you on board.”

~ Constanza T.
Pacific Salmon Foundation

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